Grammar and Phonetics Classes

*Phonetics* plays a very important role in improving our communication. While *Grammar* adds to correct usage of words and sentences is the structure to convey precise meaning from the writer to the audience. *Shree Mulund KVO Samaj Education Committee* organizes *Grammar and Phonetic Classes with Teacher Mrs. Mittal Dedhia.* *Grammar Classes* Level 2 (for Grade 1-6th) Which would help kids enhance skills from their very basic with hands on Revision. *Phonetic Classes* Level 1 (Jr.KG & Sr.KG ) Which is recommended for Kids to learn from very basic of pronounciation of a letter and sound to a complete sentence making along with the Right guidance and lots of practice. *Fees:* *Level 1* Rs. 7500 for KVO & Rs.8,000 for Non-KVO *Level 2* Rs. 8,500 for KVO & Rs.9,000 for Non-KVO *So hurry up .!!* *It's definitely the right opportunity for your child..!!* Doubts and Queries are most welcomed to be cleared by *Meenaben Veera - 8779578081/9869021929 *Regards* *Shree Mulund K.V.O. Education Committee*